University of Brescia

The Università degli Studi di Brescia was officially established in 1982, and is composed by 8 Departments serving for over 15,000 students. The University of Brescia offers a wide range of educational programmes with Bachelor’s and Master of Science (MSc) degrees, postgraduate technical courses,schools of specialisation and PhD programmes in most areas: business and economics, engineering and technology, law, medicine and surgery. The University of Brescia is an important university in a city of art and culture with an excellent quality of life, in one of the most important industrial and productive regions in Italy. The University of Brescia provides high quality services to its students, including international students: counselling services, scholarships financial aids, tutoring, computer and multimedia rooms, wireless zones, libraries, on-line services, laboratories and centres of advanced scientific research. Moreover, it offers: accommodation services, dining halls, cultural activities and sports, Italian language courses for foreign students.

SENSOR Laboratory

At international level, the mission of SENSOR: Nanotechnologies for Sensing and Advanced Applications led by Prof. Elisabetta Comini is to design and develop materials and processes to realize devices and systems for functional applications. In the field of bio-chemical sensing, the core of SENSOR activity, priority sectors of commitment are: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Nanomedicine, Food and Security.

Beside quasi 1-dimensional oxide nanostructures, which represent the most advanced field of investigation of nanostructured materials at SENSOR, are applied as fundamental building blocks of a forefront research in nanowire optoelectronics: new MOX-based LEDs, single-nanowire based sensors, highly efficient and long time stable electron field emitters and ionized gas sources.

Prof. Elisabetta Comini

tel: +39 030 3715 877

fax: +39 030 2091271


Link to personal page

Italian Project Director

Elisabetta Comini earned her Laurea degree in Physics from University of Pisa working on crystals and spectroscopy in 1996; she then pursued her Ph.D. in Material science at the University of Brescia in 2000 on metal oxide thin films for chemical sensing.

EC is a researcher specialist in the growth of metal oxides, particularly nanowires, thin films and the measurement of their electronic, functional and structural properties. She is responsible of SENSOR Laboratory.

She has been organizer of several symposia in the materials and sensing field for Materials Research society and European Materials Research society. She serves as a reviewer for various international journals and she is part of the technical program committee of several conferences in chemical sensing. She is supervising several undergraduate as well as graduate students at the University of Brescia.

She has received the following awards: Outstanding Oral Presentation At Eurosensors XIX Conference (Barcelona, 2005), outstanding oral presentation at EUROSENSORS XX conference (Goteborg, 2006), winner of the first place “Science as art” 2010 MRS Spring Meeting, Eurosensors Fellow Award in 2012.

EC has over 350 technical publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and review papers; she is also editor of various books and holds four patents issued. She is actively involved as organizer of symposia and conferences. She has more than 500 communications, 130 invited communications at conferences and she has given more than 65 invited communications including 6 plenary talk. 

EC Hirsch-index (H-index) is 54, with more that 12000 citations (the three most cited articles have been cited 1256, 543, and 457 times, source SCOPUS).

Prof. Dario Zappa

tel: +39 030 3715 767

fax: +39 030 2091271


Link to personal page

Researcher - web master

Dario Zappa was born in 1982 in Brescia. He graduated in Information Engineering – Industrial Electronics curriculum – in 2005, with a thesis entitled “Experimental evaluation of the Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller for wireless applications”.

In April 2008 he had an internship in the laboratory “Mobile Experience Lab” from MIT in Boston for a joint project between the University of Brescia, MIT and the Province of Brescia.

In 2009 he obtained the Master Degree in Electronics Engineering for Automation – Integrated Systems and Devices – with a thesis entitled “Study of the current transport in OLED”.

In 2013 he obtained the PhD in Materials for Engineering at the University of Brescia, Department Information Engineering (formely Department of Physics and Chemistry) with a thesis entitled “Metal Oxide Nanostructures for Sensing Applications”.

From June 2014 to July 2017 he was a Researcher at the CNR-INO. Actually he is Associate Professor at “SensorLab”, University of Brescia. He is the responsible of the "Common technological platform for preparation of nanostructured and monodimensional oxides" research line, and his research activities are focused on the synthesis and characterization of nanostructored metal oxides for different applications, including gas sensors, thermoelectric devices and fuel cells. In the last few years, he was involved in some 7th EU programme projects (ORAMA, S3, MSP) and in some national projects (FIRB, SUSBIOREM). Since 2012 he is lecturer in Physics at the University of Brescia. 

Dario Zappa has 1 patents and over 50 publications in peer reviewed international journals, which got over 2200 citations. His Hirsch index (H-index) is 24 (Source: SCOPUS). He served as guest editors of many thematic issues of MDPI Nanomaterials, Materials and Chemosensors and Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. He is Associate Editor of SAGE Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology journal.

Marwa Ben Arbia


Link to personal page

PhD Student

Marwa BEN ARBIA was born in 1994 in Sousse (Tunisia).

She had obtained her B. Sc. degree in “Fundamental Physics” from Faculty of Sciences Monastir (University of Monastir, Tunisia) in 2016. She pursued her studies to earn her M. Sc. degree in physics with special focus on “Materials and Nanostructures” in 2018. Her master thesis was on “Optical and electrical studies of GaInAsN for optoelectronic applications”, supervised by Professor Faouzi SAIDI at Laboratory of Micro-Optoelctronic and Nanostructures (LMON), University of Monastir. She has published more than 9 research articles in peer reviewed international journals. 

She was awarded with fellowship as a PhD student at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia (Italy). Currently, she is working on metal oxides for gas sensing applications under the supervision of Professor Elisabetta COMINI at SENSOR laboratory.

Abdelaziz Rabehi

Post Doc


Abdelaziz Rabehi is a dedicated researcher born in Algeria in 1986. He obtained his Ph.D. in Microelectronic Engineering from Sidi Bel Abbes University in Algeria, where his research focused on investigating the electrical and photoelectrical characteristics of Au/GaN/GaAs Schottky diodes.

Throughout his career, Abdelaziz has been actively engaged in various research projects and has shared his expertise as a Teacher-Researcher at Djelfa and Tissemsilt universities in Algeria from November 2017 to July 2023. During this time, he imparted knowledge in diverse areas, including signal processing, optoelectronics, and semiconductor devices. Additionally, he actively participates in scientific meetings and serves as a respected reviewer for academic journals.

A. Rabehi worked as a Permanent Researcher at the Research Unit for Renewable Energies (URAER), Ghardaïa, Algeria, from September 2014 to November 2017. During this period, he contributed to research activities focused on renewable energy and solar cells.

Currently, he is continuing his academic journey as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Sensor Lab of the University of Brescia, where his present research is dedicated to the project titled "Advanced Engineered Metal Oxide Nanowires for Chemical Sensing Applications."

A. Rabehi has 40 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, with over 500 citations. His Hirsch index (H-index) is 14.

Mohammadi Ahrouch

Post Doc


Dr. Mohammadi Ahrouch studied Chemical Engineering and Materials science at the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi in Morocco where he obtained his bachelor’s in 2010 and his master’s degree in 2012. In 2021 he graduated from his Ph.D. program at the University of Cadiz in Spain a collaborative research project with the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi in Morocco where he developed efficient structured materials for environmental applications. He has worked as a researcher in the Department of Material Science and Metallurgy Engineering and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Cadiz in Spain where his research work focuses on the development of structured materials and processes and their applications in Carbon dioxide abatement and water treatment. Currently, he joined the SensorLab at the University of Brescia in Italy as a  researcher. His research outcome has been published in highly-rated journals in the field of chemical engineering.

Contact us

Prof. Elisabetta Comini - Sensor Lab Director

Phone: +39 030 3715 877      

Fax : +39 030 2091271

Via Valotti 9

25133 BRESCIA, Italy