Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology

KAIST is the first and top science and technology university in Korea. KAIST has been the gateway to advanced science and technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and our graduates have been key players behind Korea’ innovations. KAIST will continue to pursue advances in science and technology as well as the economic development of Korea and beyond.

KAIST educates, researches, and takes the lead in innovations to serve the happiness and prosperity of humanity. KAIST fosters talents who exhibit creativity, embrace challenges, and possess caring minds in creating knowledge and translating it into transformative innovation.

Website link: https://www.kaist.ac.kr/en/ 

Professor Jun-Bo Yoon’s Research Group (3DMNSL)

In 3-D Micro-Nano Structures Laboratory (3DMNSL), we research based on MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology. We exploit the 3-D structure for IT devices, cross-linking MEMS and Nano Technology (NT). Our Lab motto is to create, accumulate, and store knowledge for the welfare of mankind. Based on our expertise in 3D design at a nano/micro level, we are able research state-of-the-art electrical devices such as gas sensors, touch sensors, nano/micro-mechanical switches (DC/RF), optical components, etc. 

Website Link: http://mems.kr/ 

Prof. Jun-Bo Yoon

tel: +82 42 350 3476

fax: +82 505 869 3476

e-mail: jbsurname@ee.kaist.ac.kr

Link to personal page

Korean Project Director

Professor Jun-Bo Yoon received his B.S. (summa cum laude), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea in 1993, 1995, 1999, respectively. During his Ph.D. research, he worked on a high-Q micromachined inductor, which was cited as the best work on planar inductors at that time in the RF MEMS book. Since 2000, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, where he is currently a Professor. He is also a co-founder of a startup company, MEMSLUX.

Sung-Ho Kim

e-mail: nameho05@kaist.ac.kr

Link to personal page

Ph.D. Student


B.S: Pennsylvania State University, USA in 2019

M.S: KAIST, South Korea in 2020

Research Field:

Development of low power and highly efficient metal oxide gas sensors

Se-Yoon Jung

e-mail: seyoonsurname@kaist.ac.kr

Link to personal page

M.S. Student


B.S: Ajou University, South Korea in 2023

Research Field:

Development of fast response and highly selective metal oxide gas sensors