Advanced Engineered Metal Oxides Nanowires for Chemical Sensing Applications

Researchers are focusing on developing nanostructured metal oxide (MOX) sensors to detect toxic gases like COx. 

The need for low-power, affordable, and highly selective gas sensors has increased in areas like environmental monitoring and the food industry. MOX nanowires (NWs) show promise due to their excellent physical and chemical properties. However, they still face challenges with limited selectivity and high operating temperature. One potential solution is to functionalize and combine these nanostructures. The formation of 3D heterostructures and their functionalization using metal organic frameworks (MOFs) hold great potential. Heterostructures, which involve the interface between two materials, can alter the transportation of charge carriers and increase the surface area. 

Meanwhile, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) consisting of metals and organic linkers offer high surface area and ultra-high porosity. These advancements could lead to improved gas detection sensors.  In addition to changing the sensing material, the structure of the device, especially the heater, can drastically reduce power consumption. Recent research has focused on creating small-sized suspended microheaters to minimize heat loss through the substrate. By targeting low power consumption, mechanical stability, affordability, and high selectivity, this project aims to develop a gas sensing platform with improved performance and efficiency.

Moreover, continuous collaboration and cooperation among the two Countries will be exploited, such as the exchange of researchers and the preparation of call proposals, in particular those funded by European Union (EU) and Republic of Korea (South Korea).

Recent Activities

14th December 2023
Prof. Elisabetta Comini gave an invited oral presentation at MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Conference in Kyoto, Japan.

27th November 2023
Prof. Dario Zappa visited KAIST for the first time. It was the opportunity to gave a seminar at KAIST (South Korea) and attend the first year project meeting.

27th October 2023
Prof. Park from KAIST (South Korea) visited Brescia (Italy) and gave a very nice seminar on environmental sensors.

29th September 2023
ITA-KOR Bilateral project is at "Notte dei Ricercatori 2023", a dissemination event for general audience in Brescia (Italy).

5th September 2023
ITA-KOR Bilateral project online meeting.